Friday, December 30, 2016

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About Me

Hello friends! Thanks for coming to visit. I hope that you are able to find helpful resources here. 

My name is Kristen, and this is my fourth year teaching in fifth grade. When I graduated, I taught first grade with an interim position. When I was offered the position with fifth grade, I have to admit that I was disappointed. I was so sure that teaching the younger darlings was my calling. However, fifth grade has completely stolen my heart! (Idiom 😀)

I was a self-contained teacher for my first three years teaching fifth grade. This year, I will have a team teacher and I will be teaching Reading and Social Studies. I will miss teaching math dearly! However, I plan to still tutor math throughout the year.  

A few random things to know about me:

** I was born and raised in a small town about 30 minutes outside of downtown Memphis, Tennessee. 

** I love to read! So some book post may make an appearance here when I just can't contain my love for a certain book.

** I have a rescue dog that I am slightly obsessed with. I mean, I wrap her own Christmas presents so that she has things to open on Christmas morning. Yes, just a slight obsession...

Such a great helper 💗 

** I have been with an amazing man for a little over a year now. I mean AMAZING! I don't know why he chooses to put up with my crazy life, but I sure do love him for it. Just when he thought that teaching couldn't take up more of our time, he returns from Texas for Christmas with his family, and I've started a teaching blog! 

I'm still a new teacher, and I am learning just how exhausting/rewarding our job is. Thanks for stopping by my blog!