Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Book Whisperer: What You Need to Know!

This spring, I have signed up to do a book study with some other teacher friends in my county. I chose the book The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller.

This author shares her strategies on how she ditches conventional instruction in order to instill the love of reading in her 6th graders. She "has yet to meet a child she couldn't turn into a reader."

I chose this book study for a number of reasons. However, the main reason is that I have always struggled with the balance of making sure that my students learn the skills necessary to succeed in reading, but to also try to grow their love for reading for fun. I want to see all of my students pick up a book and fall in love with the story as often as I do with my own books! 

I am hoping that this novel will provide me with strategies I can use in the classroom to try to encourage my students to find a good book and read for the love of reading, not just because they are required to read. 

There are seven chapters in this book. I plan to post a synopsis of each chapter after reading to share the important points from the chapter, knowledge I have taken from the chapter, as well as resources that I learned from other teachers after we discuss the chapter.

Click on the chapters below to read about each chapter.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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